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Archive | August, 2014

Futuro House in the car park behind Deccas Restaurant in Melbourne Street

The Space Ship Building in Melbourne Street

There was some discussion on ABC Radio just recently about the ‘flying saucer’ building that was in Melbourne Street North Adelaide around the 70s and 80s. It was called ‘Futuro’ and was owned by Derek Jolly, entrepreneur and “larger than life” character who was responsible for much of the development of Melbourne Street in the […]

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The action was non-stop and a thrill a minute for the 'pie-eaters'

Friday Night is Speedway Night at Rowley Park

Remember “Friday night is speedway night in Adelaide!”? And the cartoon “Almost everybody goes to Rowley Park on Friday nights” which showed everyone from a grandmother to ambulance drivers and a jockey all making their way into the speedway. Ah yes, the golden era of speedway with Kym Bonython and his company Speedway Pty Ltd. In its […]

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