Today we launch the Adelaide Remember When Blog
The blog will be a permanent ‘home’ for some of the most popular posts appearing on the Facebook website over the past 18 months but no longer visible on the FB page
Just click the image below to visit our new blog now!

Photo from Channel 10 (now Ch 7). The post that sparked attention to ARW. Fat Cat says “Goodnight boys and girls”
ARW will continue on Facebook of course, with new posts and new photos, while the blog has been created to feature slightly longer and more in-depth glimpses of the personalities, places and events from the 50s to the 80s. Here you will also find some of the most popular posts from the FB website. As you are probably aware, FB only allows a small amount of data to be visible on a page and this means that some of the most popular posts of the past 18 months are no longer easily available to view. Quite often I’m asked to feature a post on a subject that may have already been covered but is no longer on the page. Now with the blog, all these posts will be available simply by going to the ‘Archives’ page.
Of course there is still much to be done. Further down the track I hope to introduce more pages, including ‘Photos and Videos’ and perhaps a ‘Shop’ where memorabilia items associated with Adelaide, books specifically relating to to the ‘Boomer’ years and perhaps difficult to find music from our era, could be purchased online.
This image of Fat Cat saying goodnight to the boys and girls from Channel 10 was a pivotal moment for the original Facebook website. I had been posting twice a day for about a month or so and had been pleasantly surprised by the number of people who had taken an interest in those posts and accompanying photos, sometimes over a thousand views and several hundred ‘likes’. When I posted on Fat Cat and showed this frame from the video, 75,000 people viewed it, almost 3,000 ‘liked’ it, around 350 took time to add a comment, and 650 shared it with their own FB friends. I made the decision then and there to continue posting and as the saying goes, the rest is history.
As ARW approaches 20,000 page likes and currently averages 40,000 post views each week, I feel a certain amount of pride and humility in the success of the concept. It’s a labour of love that has spawned a regular column in the ‘Boomer’ magazine in the Advertiser and on the digital ‘Adelaide Now”, the Adelaide Remember When book has been finished and will be published later this year and today the blog is a reality.

Photo from Michael Brodie. We are able to share many of the photos sent in by our enthusiastic ‘posters’. Here’s King William Street from the 1950s
I want to thank all the regular readers of the FB website, especially those who have been with it from virtually the first post (you know who you are). My special thanks and gratitude also to those who send in their own personal photos, to those who take the time to comment, those who share with their friends and those who ‘like’ the posts.
Please feel free to add your comments to any of the posts on this blog, visit it often as we will feature new and different content as time goes on. There are many topics that we have yet to touch on, many photos still to be discovered and posted and many great memories to be shared. Please enjoy!
Please do continue. I gives so much pleasure and photos that I have “shared” to friends and relatives living interstate have been received with much enthusiasm.
I love a good blog! Looking forward to reading and contributing in the future!
bob, your idea of the facebook page and now this blog is nothing short of brilliance. I love the subjects you cover and the fact that I and others can, if they wish, leave comments here and perhaps expand on the subject matter or relate their own experience on the subject of their choice.. my personal favorites are when you put up photos of what adelaide looked like in bygone years and for those of us old enough can remember the “now and then”, I have been looking for a book with one page old and the facing page what the same scene looks like now–ie victoria square, but could only find one on sydney as describes above…keep up the great work and I look forward to more memories thanks to your efforts and the efforts of other readers— A ++++++++