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Archive | Childhood Memories

John Martins Anthony Harrison

Christmas Shopping in the 50 and 60s

Remember when shops opened their doors for trading at 9am each day, Monday to Friday and closed at 5.30pm in the afternoon? Weekend trading was strictly limited from 9am to 11.30am, there was no trading on the Sabbath or on public holidays and there was no late night trading at all. All the big department […]

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Photo from the Advertiser. There were always lots of other kids to play with. This picture from 1956 shows some boys sharing rides in a Cyclops pedal car

Childhood Memories of The Neighbourhood.

When fences were lower, fruit and veg was currency and kids just roamed free How different to today was your neighbourhood and the neighbours as you were growing up? I was a child in the 50s and neighbourhoods were mainly made up of working class families. Some fathers worked in offices or ran a small […]

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George the orangutan with his hessian bag and Australian Rules footy.

George and Friends at the Adelaide Zoo.

Remember when we referred to George as a gorilla? George was an orang-utan and was always one of the most popular animals at the zoo, but growing up as kids, we always talked about him as a gorilla. He was a real character whose favourite possessions were his old hessian bag and an Australian Rules […]

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Photo from You Tube. Deadly Earnest was the late-night horror movie host played by Hedley Cullen between 1967 to 1978 on Channel 10 Adelaide.

Sharing Some Childhood Memories of Adelaide TV

One of the truly great pleasures of hosting the Adelaide Remember When Facebook page and blog is reading the hundreds of emails I receive each week from regular followers, sharing their own memories of growing up in Adelaide during their childhood and adolescent years. Julie Stokes wrote recently of memories about some of her favourite […]

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Photo from Google Images. Early fridges had a small freezer compartment big enough for an Amscol brick of ice cream and needed defrosting regularly.

Remember ‘Defrosting’ the Fridge?

Remember the first fridge your family ever bought? Prior to refrigerators we had ice chests. The ice man would come every second day and deliver a big block of ice which he would carry with ice tongs (were they called pliers?) and deliver it into the top of the chest. Fridges arrived in the 50s […]

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Photo by Doug Colquhoun from Wikimedia Commons. The trolleybus system was part of public transport around Adelaide for roughly 30 years

Did You Ever Catch an Adelaide Trolleybus?

Can you recall the trolley buses around the city streets? Particularly in Rundle and Hindley Streets, which were always so busy but so narrow, and continuously packed with people, bikes, cars and trolley buses. Our trolleybus system was part of public transport around Adelaide for roughly 30 years from the 1930s to the late 1950s. During the Great Depression, […]

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