“You’re Not Touching the Kingswood”!
Remember Kingswood Country, the Australian sitcom that screened from 1980 to 1984 on Channel 7? The show featured real Aussie humour and although it was seen by many as racist and sexist, it was in fact meant to mock those attitudes held by many Australians at the time. “Ted” Bullpitt was played by Ross Higgins, […]
Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November!
Most baby boomers will definitely remember the 5th of November as Guy Fawkes or cracker night. More recently in Australia Halloween has become the popular celebration at around this time of year, but in the 50s, 60s and into the 70s it was Guy Fawkes Night that was observed. The story of Guy Fawkes is […]
Customer Service, When the Customer Ruled.
Whatever happened to the personal customer service that was provided by the local shops and businesses in the 1950s and the 1960s? Most of it came to an end, of course, with the spread of the big supermarkets and shopping centres around Australia from the mid-1960s. Self-service with products stacked on shelves, shopping trolleys and […]
Games We Used to Play.
What were some of the games we used to play, growing up as a kid in the 50s, 60s, and 70s? Long before the ‘age of entitlement’, children had far less toys to play with, so we made do with what we had. Today it seems almost every kid is given more toys at Christmas […]
A Time When Phones Were Just Phones
The telephone has come a very long way, just in our lifetime! In the 50s and 60s when very few residences had the phone connected, any necessary calls were made from a red public phone box, found dotted around the suburbs of Adelaide. Most had the phone book missing, had that faint smell of urine […]
When Mr Whippy Played Greensleeves
On a hot Sunday evening in Adelaide, back in the 1960s and 70s, the street would suddenly fill with the music of “Greensleeves” and from every house, kids would rush out to buy an ice cold soft serve ice cream. Dipped, sprinkled or plain, it was the highlight of the weekend! The original Mr Whippy […]
Remember Swinging on the Hills Hoist Clothes Line?
The Hills Hoist is now an Aussie icon of course but had its humble beginnings right here in Adelaide in the mid-1940s. The legend goes that when Lance Hill returned home from war in 1945, his wife started nagging him about her clothesline. It was strung up between two posts and propped up in the […]
More Memories of Deliveries by Horse and Cart.
Following the recent Boomer article in the Advertiser about bread deliveries by horse and cart (http://www.adelaiderememberwhen.com.au/when-the-baker-delivered-bread-in-a-horse-and-cart/), many readers wrote in with their own memories of other home deliveries by similar means. We are possibly the last generation in Adelaide who will have such memories to share. By the time my own children arrived, the era […]
Remember Adelaide’s Cactus Garden?
A distinct childhood memory of many trips to and from Adelaide was a cactus garden we would pass along Port Wakefield Road. It’s strange, the things that stick in your memory, but the sight of all the cacti on the side of the road, was an indication that we were near the end of a […]
Off to the Local Deli for a Milkshake.
As a kid growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, do you remember going to the deli or corner shop with a mate after school, or as a teenager with a group of other teenagers, just for a milkshake? I’m not sure where the milkshake stands today in social culture but back then it was […]