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Photo of King Neptune in his original pond, comes from the personal collection of Suzanne Comelli, the daughter of Arturo who was the artisan who crafted Neptune from concrete, and 891 ABC Adelaide.

When King Neptune Lived at Darlington

Keith Manson posted a question recently on the ARW Facebook page regarding a well known old landmark of Adelaide; “This is about as vague as they come but, in the early ’80s, I can recall a statue of King Neptune (I think it was) somewhere on South Road, somewhere south of Clovelly Park. It wasn’t lifelike […]

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The Regent Theatre in the 1940s. In 1968 it became part of an arcade complex. The theatre closed in 2004. Photo: MRC Productions.

Memories of the Regent Theatre in Rundle Street

When the Regent Theatre first opened in Rundle Street on June 29th 1928 it was described by The Advertiser writer of the day as a “Palace of Art”. It contained tapestries, paintings and other art works which made “going to the pictures as much a cultural uplifting experience as it was entertainment”. Indeed it was a […]

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Girls cooling off with a swim at the Gilberton Brigde in 1967

When We Swam in the Torrens

It’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when the River Torrens was a great place for a cool swim, for fishing and lots of fun. Keith Hasler of Modbury North wrote to me recently with boyhood memories of when he lived at Gilberton as a young lad from 1950 to 1970. Here’s […]

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Photo from the Migration Museum SA. The Glenelg Migrant Hostel where John D'Arcy first arrived in Adelaide

Remember the Migrant Hostels of Adelaide?

Recently on Adelaide Remember When Facebook website, famous Adelaide singer and songwriter Beeb Birtles (Zoot and LRB) posted a photo and shared some of his early memories of time spent with his high school friend and fellow band member of Zoot, John D’arcy at the Glenelg Migrant Hostel. Thousands of newly arrived migrants passed through […]

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Hoadley’s Battle of the Sounds

Hoadley’s National Battle of the Sounds started in 1966 and attracted many of Australia’s top groups and bands from all around the country. It was a true a national competition with heats organised by local radio stations. The heats were held in the capital cities and country towns and bands worked their way up through […]

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Photo from the Advertiser. Scratch out the cork and there would be an SANFL footy player

Footy Cards and Coke Bottle Tops

I was reminded recently that as kids we used to collect and swap footy cards that came in the breakfast cereal box. A Sunday Mail story told of how; “Parents are going to extreme lengths to get their hands on the latest-and hottest-children’s craze. Seemingly innocuous little green animal trading cards that have whipped school playgrounds […]

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Going to the Drive-In Pictures.

Ahhh…..those nights at the local drive-in! Remember how, as teenagers, there would be 6 of us crammed in the FJ or the Zephyr and one hiding in the boot, as we’d head off to the drive-in for some innocent fun and some hi-jinx and to watch a movie of course. Later, and a little older, it […]

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Kenny Peplow shared this photo; "Dad's FJ taxi (with water bag on the front) returns from a trip in the Flinders Ranges. As a kid where did your family take it's holidays?"

Childhood Memories of Those Motoring Holidays

Robert Verrall posted on the ARW Facebook page recently of some strong memories from his childhood years; “In the early 1970s we’d go to Edithburgh during holidays to stay with Nanna. She had the very first cottage you saw heading into the town. Easter was nearly always spent down there. My brother and I would […]

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Photo from. Trams line d up at the old Tram Barn in Angas Street

Remember When The Trams Ran Everywhere

ON March 12, 1954, the general manager of the Municipal Tramway Trust, Mr J.M. Keynes, released details of the new buses that were being introduced to replace trams in Adelaide. He added that the steps the MTT was taking to replace trams with fuel buses would “immeasurably improve the city’s transport service”. I’m reminded of […]

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Photo from Channel 9. Anne really got the town talking one hot night when she did the weather in her bikini.

Anne Wills. An Adelaide TV Legend.

The name Anne Wills is synonymous with Adelaide television. She began her career on ‘the box’ in 1965, just a few years after television started in Adelaide and has been either on our TV screens or some other media entertaining us for more than 40 years. Legend has it that it’s a career that might never […]

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