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Sharing Some Childhood Memories of Adelaide TV

One of the truly great pleasures of hosting the Adelaide Remember When Facebook page and blog is reading the hundreds of emails I receive each week from regular followers, sharing their own memories of growing up in Adelaide during their childhood and adolescent years.

Photo from You Tube. Whatever happened to Winky Dink (played by Wendy Patching) on the kids' shows in the afternoons on channel 9

Photo from You Tube. “Whatever happened to Winky Dink (played by Wendy Patching) on the kids’ shows in the afternoons on channel 9”?

Julie Stokes wrote recently of memories about some of her favourite Adelaide TV presenters from the 60’s and 70’s; “Have just spent some time browsing this awesome site…. Love it… brings back so many memories of my childhood and teenage years…..Whatever happened to Winky Dink (played by Wendy Patching) on the kids’ shows in the afternoons on channel 9 and a host of other presenters like Anne North (who also did the weather), Bobo the Clown, Robbie the Robot and so many others. Colin Huddleston doing his show on Channel 9 in the 60’s? TV sure isn’t what it used to be!”

Photo sent by Nick Haynes. ""Another blast from the Channel 9 past. Anne North was my kindergarten teacher".

Photo sent by Nick Haynes. “”Another blast from the Channel 9 past. Anne North was my kindergarten teacher”.

Another regular poster Nick Haines posted this photo and comment; “Another blast from the Channel 9 past. Anne North was my kindergarten teacher and she used to do the “cattle call” of former kindy students when they needed kids on the show. I got to be on two shows in 1968. I don’t remember much except not being nervous at all because Miss North was there”!

Andrea Veitch shared a memory of growing up in Adelaide; “In the late 60’s early 70’s, our regular favourite on a Friday night was dinner at the Gouger Café and a trip to the market for lollies from Dumbrell’s! All ready to tuck in to watch Deadly Earnest introduce the horror (or space) movie! Great times!!”

Photo from You Tube. Deadly Earnest was the late-night horror movie host played by Hedley Cullen between 1967 to 1978 on Channel 10 Adelaide.

Photo from You Tube. Deadly Earnest was the late-night horror movie host played by Hedley Cullen between 1967 to 1978 on Channel 10 Adelaide.

Deadly Earnest was the late-night horror movie host played by Hedley Cullen between 1967 to 1978 on Channel 10 Adelaide. “Awful Movies” featured mainly b-grade horror movies introduced by Deadly who would rise out of a coffin and had a couple of skulls, one called Yorrick, that he would talk to. The program was notorious for showing the absolute worst of supernaturally themed movies, even going so far as to present the ‘Worst Movie of the Year’ on at least one occasion.

And remember when Patsy Biscoe and Fat Cat hosted the afternoons children’s programme on Channel 10? Peter Osborne recalled; “From memory Patsy, actually started out on Nine with appearances on Here’s Humphrey, moving then to other children’s programmes such as Fat Cat and friends on SAS10. She had a background as a folk and jazz singer, but made her career out of children’s entertainment. This newspaper photo from 1973 is from Patsy’s own Photostream on Flickr and shows Fat Cat, Patsy and Noel O’Connor, fellow presenter on Channel 10, just after Patsy had been presented with a gold album award for her LP “Fifty Favourite Nursery Rhymes”.

Photo from Patsy Biscoe's Flickr Photostream. Fat Cat, Patsy and Noel O'Connor, fellow presenter on Channel 10, just after Patsy had been presented with a gold album award for her LP "Fifty Favourite Nursery Rhymes".

Photo from Patsy Biscoe’s Flickr Photostream. Fat Cat, Patsy and Noel O’Connor, fellow presenter on Channel 10, just after Patsy had been presented with a gold album award for her LP “Fifty Favourite Nursery Rhymes”.

All great memories, and to all those who contribute to our page and blog, thank you for sharing!


56 Responses to Sharing Some Childhood Memories of Adelaide TV

  1. Anne Burrows November 13, 2014 at 7:32 pm #

    While there was some memorable local TV, I still have great memories of the imported shows of the period. My favorites – ‘The Cisco Kid'(and the signature greetings ‘hey Pancho’ and ‘hey Cisco’), ‘Sheena Queen of the Jungle’ and my supreme favorite ‘ The Mickey Mouse Club’. I wanted badly to be the Adelaide version of Mouseketeer Darlene. Shame I couldn’t sing or dance!

    • Mark Tindale July 29, 2024 at 10:30 pm #

      Hello and what Wonder times we had watching the TV in the seventies
      Deadly Ernest was a must for my younger brother and I
      Our parents only let us stay up “All night” on a Friday night so long as we kept the sliding doors to the lounge closed, so everyone else could sleep
      The movies were all quite silly b grade , but we loved them
      Also watching “Skippy” the bush kangaroo, simple but very enjoyable stories, a boy and his roo helping solve crimes
      The Japanese animation movies of giant “Lizards”, Godzilla shown on a Saturday morning
      Oh how I wish the World could be back there, then maybe we could really change how the world is now, because we were being “Warned” back then, on how our world would change
      But “We All Just Didn’t Listen, oh bugger we should havev

  2. Virginia November 13, 2014 at 10:49 pm #

    Dig deep n bring back deadly earnest and the Blob, The Brain Snatchers… Kids just wouldn’t understand today, but they were really scary in the Day!! The night Stalker too was great, with Darren mcgavin.

  3. Cathie Green November 13, 2014 at 11:36 pm #

    Whatever happened to Ian Fairweather…..he was on the Channel Niners with Glenys O’Brien (now Sigley)
    And every year we would look forward to Smokey the Bear’s birthday party.

  4. Lee-Anne November 14, 2014 at 12:26 am #

    I loved the children TV shows when I was a kid. The Channel Niners hosted by Dean Davis and Helen Wood with regular guests like Drs. Deane Hutton and Rob Morrison who later had their own programme called “The Curiosity Show”. I’m also pretty sure that Humphrey, Robbie the Robot and Bobo the Clown also started with the Channel Niners. After a long day at school, it was something to look forward to when you came home.

    Ian Fairweather was probably the biggest name that I can remember when it came to being associated with Children’s TV. When most of the shows on the ABC were coming from other countries, Channel Nine looked for local talent. Then there was “Here’s Humphrey” with Ann North, Wilbur Worm, Mr. Spotty and of course, Humphrey. I think that most of the girls in my class at school had some sort of merchandise that had to do with Humphrey B. Bear as well.

    And of course, there was Romper Room with Miss Michelle but does anyone remember “The Magic Circle Club”? –

  5. Kieron Sloan November 14, 2014 at 7:36 am #

    Hello. I appeared on the Channel Niners, on 31st March 1969. I was 11 years old, and a pupil at Northfield Primary School. I had only recently arrived, from Liverpool, and I remember Anne (in particular) and Ian quizzing me about the Beatles, and remarking about my scouse accent. I won my game (matching pictures of television shows/characters) against a lass called Kayleen. My prize, an ice cream cake, melted on the bus, back to Gepps Cross. Happy days.

    • Phil Osborne August 24, 2016 at 5:53 pm #

      My lovely wife appeared o the channel niners in the late 1960 s. She was frim elizabeth west primary.
      I have unsuccesfully tried to get a copy of her performance. Can you help?


  6. Terry Webb November 16, 2014 at 3:57 pm #

    I loved Deadly Earnest as a kid. As an adult I once worked with Hedley on a voice job. He was horrible to me. Shattered many childhood dreams sadly. Great TV days though.

    • Danny Bocchino November 24, 2014 at 1:42 pm #

      Hi Terry Webb!

      Please read my separate reply written earlier today about Hedley Cullen.

      Cheers from Danny Bocchino

  7. Danny Bocchino November 24, 2014 at 1:36 pm #

    The man who played the character as ‘Deadly Ernest’, had his own real name.

    His real name was Hedley Cullen, and during WW2 he served as one of Loveday Internment Camps’ armed guard to control Enemy Aliens (internees). He also was one of the Loveday Internment Camps’ official photographer. He had photographed many items of interests involving the Loveday Internment Camps.

    And where was the largest internment camps of the southern hemi-sphere located? Just south from Barmera, of the Riverland (hence = Loveday!).

    While his show was shown on each Friday nights, I used to watch it without a miss. But, I did not know why my dad (overseas born Italian), had never watched it. I only recently found out via internet researches that Hedley Cullen (later to be known as ‘Deadly Ernest’), that Hedley once possibly guarded to control my dad who was interned in Loveday Internment Camp 9.

  8. Fred December 3, 2014 at 11:49 pm #

    After school with Steve Curtis and Pam Tamblyn (and a puppet???) on Channel 7.
    They use to have the Wacky Races and you use to set a race competitor to a family member and/or friend, usually someone you didn’t like got matched with Dick Dastardly.

    • David Hemer November 14, 2021 at 5:58 pm #

      I was in an advert produced by channel 9. Robin rowenfelt was the director i think. Kids entered a contest and the winners got to make an advert with what they wrote. I never saw my advert on telly but loads of family did. Would be great if i could find it to show my kids and grandchildren

    • GT January 28, 2025 at 1:06 pm #

      The puppet was called ‘Muffy’. ‘Sammy the Seagull’ often was on the show too. Another female host was Suzanne Fox.

      The show was ‘Young 7’ and – at least for some time, they had two editions a day. One in the morning (hosted by Ric Marshall & Francie Chamings) as well as the ‘after-school’ edition,

  9. DAVE HESLOP March 14, 2015 at 10:12 am #


    • marie February 3, 2016 at 1:26 pm #

      Hi Dave
      I remember you you use to play at the Fire Brigade in Elizabeth they were great days the Sound Benders, (Greg Plimmer on drums), Swanee use to play there. The Masters Apprentices came up and played. Great Days. You could possibly contact Channel 10’s library if you haven’t already done so to see if they have any achive stuff.
      Rock On, Marie Porter

    • Ron Dent July 13, 2023 at 4:53 pm #

      Hi Dave, I grew up In Elizabeth in the late 60’s and early 70’s. I remember your band Hard Time Killing Floor. I went to school with a Rory Barnes. I’m pretty sure his older brother was in your band. Is that correct. Cheers Ron

  10. E.White March 18, 2015 at 10:38 pm #

    What about the Thunderbirds – those amazing lifelike puppets that bounced onto our screen.
    The very well-to-do Lady Penelope, Jeff Tracy the leader and Alan, John and Virgil Tracy his sons, Brain the intellect and TinTin the daughter of Jeff Tracys man servant.
    My brother watched this religiously and beware of anyone that talked or stepped in front of the TV screen while it was on.

    “Thunderbirds are go!!!

  11. GT July 25, 2015 at 1:06 am #

    Young Seven was the Channel 7 Kid’s show which was hosted by Rick Marshall & Francie Chamings (sp?) and later Steve Curtis & Pam Tamblyn. The puppet was Muffy I think and they also had Sammy the Seagull (a Fat Cat/Humphrey type.

    Channel 10 had Earlybirds hosted firstly by Veronica Overton & Fat Cat – later Didi James & Jane Reilly hosted I think. I had a big crush on Veronica and was shocked when she closed the show one day by saying ‘Bye boys and girls. Fat Cat will be back on Monday but I won’t’ – Her on-air resignation was apparently also a shock to her employers lol.

    In those days, Adelaide also had its’ own Hey Hey Its Saturday type kids show which was hosted by Dean Davis I think.

    I loved Deadly Earnest’s Aweful Movies (they weren’t all awful – I can remember some real classics like Planet of the Apes). I was thrilled when he held up a drawing of some creature I sent in to the show.

  12. Gary Osborne September 22, 2015 at 11:45 am #

    Hi, I appeared on the show “the channel niners” in 1966/67 with Ian Fairweather on the Robbie the Robot segment with another contestant asking Robbie a question. I want to know if I can get any footage sent to my email if possible, thanks Gary.

    • Phil Osborne August 24, 2016 at 6:22 pm #

      My wite was also on that show about the sa e time. I want the vidio of her perfomance. Channel i
      Nine says too old to find, sorry.


  13. Philby Ramone January 30, 2017 at 7:30 pm #

    I was on the Channel Niners playing Pass the Honeypot in 1967. I got picked out of the studio audience because of my freckles. It was another kids 5th Birthday party. We were at Colonel Light Gardens Primary.

  14. Rose September 10, 2017 at 1:26 pm #

    I appeared in ‘ the Happy Show” some time in early 60s. Stagestruck, i eventually managed to answer a simple addition & won a Balfours cake & chocolates. My young. Rother was horrified to see me on TV as he hadnt been told. My grandmother was minding him & as all doting grans do, she switched the tv on to see her grand daughtet

  15. CHRIS COSTIGAN October 11, 2017 at 8:48 pm #

    My sister and I were photographed by TV camera man on the corner of Rose Street at Prospect in the early 1960’s when our Grandmother had sent us to the shops. This photo was shown on a segment of the Channel Niners on a segment called “The Tip Top Safety Session” I still see this photo clearly in my memory.. Just imagine this happening today lol.

  16. Bob Zinger April 11, 2018 at 8:13 pm #

    I had a big crush on Robin Roenfeldt

  17. Paul Michael Varney May 28, 2018 at 9:58 am #

    Love the picture of Deadly Earnest I used to live next door to him in Renown Park in the early 70’s. He had a very large eerie house I remember all us kids were scared of the place.

  18. Peter Bourke September 15, 2018 at 12:53 pm #

    I remember when for many years we hired a TV over the school holidays and then returned it when going back to school – we loved the 3 Stooges Peter Bourke.

  19. Marlene Manhire September 30, 2018 at 10:28 pm #

    My brother Ron Pearce accordionist used to do guest appearances on Channel 9 would you have any clips of It.?

    • Wayne Lang June 5, 2021 at 1:26 pm #

      Hi Marlene,
      Your Brother, Ron Pearce was my accordion teacher back in the late 60’s. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very good and didn’t continue to play the instrument for very long. I was dyslexic and couldn’t read. I used to learn the piece I was given and would replay it to Ron at my next lesson. He would say, “that was very good Wayne, but could you now read it”. He knew I was faking. I do recall someone telling me that he used to play in Reg Lindsay’s band. Can you verify this for me at all please?
      Thanks for your time,
      Wayne Lang.

      • Marlene December 8, 2023 at 6:03 am #

        Hi Wayne yes he was in the band and appeared in every show .

  20. Mark Henstridge December 24, 2018 at 8:04 am #

    I recall one of my two older sisters and I always racing home after school(Taperoo Primary School mid to late 60’s) to watch cartoons, my sister loved “Marine Boy” then we would watch other shows like Lost in Space, Penny Robinson was my crush until Marsha Brady came along. No matter what other show was on we had to watch ” The Bugs Bunny Show” and it was a show which went on for an hour. There was a host of kids shows back then like The Banana Splits, The many loves of Dobie Gillis, The Flying Nun, The Mickey Mouse Club and so on. Television was not a 24-hour thing back then but occasionally on a Friday night there would be a Horror movie marathon on SAS 10 hosted by Deadly Earnest and Yorrick, great movies like Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, The Blob, The Mummy, Wolfman and a bunch of other classic horrors flicks all in glorious Black & White.

    • thingy November 4, 2020 at 3:51 pm #

      I remember you Mark, from grade one your auntie use to come to the school gate when all the kids was out playing. I use to think she was gr8 with her big black bee hive hair. 🙂

  21. Dave Trengove January 24, 2019 at 4:21 pm #

    Does anyone remember Ross Davies TV Gym on the channel niners every Tuesday. I was one of the gymnasts.

    • Gary Laming February 3, 2019 at 10:05 pm #

      Dave, I appeared twice in the Ross Davies TV Gym segment on the Channel Niners. My brother and I used to go to Ross’ gym at Enfield each week. I also appeared once in the Lego Competition segment on the Channel Niners. These are cherished memories that young kids of today just won’t have the opportunity of experiencing.

    • Ronald Reyn August 31, 2019 at 8:03 pm #

      Hi Dave and Gary

      During the mid 60’s I appeared regularly with Ross’s children Mark Kerry and Sean on the Ross Davies TV Gym segment every Tuesday afternoon on Channel Nine.

      Remembering Ian Fairweather as the host who later in life went on to write children’s books ( I was told) and has since passed away.

      And for all the other readers of this wonderful site I must sadly inform you that Mr Ross Davies passed away on 8th August this year aged 92 as I have remained friends with the family ever since my school days with Mark from 1962.
      Indeed the memories of those days stuck with him and of course myself forever.

  22. Christine Corbett Feehan April 5, 2019 at 6:56 pm #

    One of my old school friends, Maret, married Steve Curtis many years ago! Where are they now?

    • Maret Curtis October 1, 2019 at 9:33 am #

      Hi Christine,

      Its Maret Curtis here, nee Tehvand.
      Would love to hear from you

  23. wayne camplin August 28, 2019 at 7:25 pm #

    I remember being on the Channel Niners in 1969…I was blind folded and handed objects to guess what they were…I didnt win, but it was fun and I got to kiss Humphrey on the nose…

  24. Kevin from Glenelg November 22, 2019 at 8:27 pm #

    I remember the TAA Junior Flyers Club.

  25. John from Torrensville September 30, 2020 at 12:57 pm #

    I vividly remember the wobble board game, and there was a competition where you had to send in your guess on what had been delivered to Channel nine in a huge wooden crate, about 8 ft by 4 ft by 4 ft, standing up on end. (this was late 1966 / early 1967). In the end it turned out to be Robby the Robot, who was blue in colour. (I got to see him in the flesh on a visit to Channel nine just after he’d been unveiled.)

    Fond memories of these, plus a cake in Adelaide that came in a white/yellow cellophane bag – a Humphrey B Bear honey log. It was like a long donut, covered in sugar and tasted of honey. They were great !

    • thingy November 4, 2020 at 3:46 pm #

      I use to eat heaps of those logs I couldn’t get enough of them

    • Robyn Gordon October 8, 2023 at 4:31 pm #

      We used to know them as ‘honey sticks’.
      Can’t eat them any more sadly. Not gluten free! ????

  26. John from Torrensville September 30, 2020 at 1:24 pm #

    The Deadly Ernest all night horrorthons were great. I can remember adverts for the sponsors (Peter F Burns and Amscol ice cream) popping up during the night. At about 1:00 am they’d announce an impromptu competition for the best monster outfit, and you had to get to the Adelaide studios by about 3am for judging. (there’d usually be about 6-7 people turning up).

    Always looked forward to Deadly Ernest’s dry comments on submissions from the demented artists (kid’s drawings of monsters etc), and you could buy a kit to look like him, consisting of google eyes and bushy fake eyebrows. If you wrote in you could get an autographed photo of him with the channel 10 logo (still have mine today).

  27. Alex Johnson May 13, 2021 at 12:21 am #

    Trying to remember the name of a game on the channel 9ers. It involved a handle with a small hoop at the end which needed to run through a twisted wire. If you touched the wire with the hoop an electronic buzzer would sound.

    • Rob T August 17, 2021 at 7:44 am #

      It was called The Touch Game. I was on there once

  28. Charlene Barton May 16, 2021 at 3:28 pm #

    Hi is there any footage from the Elizabeth Downs School on coming kids dancing to ‘we don’t need another hero ‘.

  29. Charlene Barton May 16, 2021 at 3:30 pm #

    I meant Come on kids I think it was called as I was on there . I’m thinking round 1985_86. Just curious and to show my kids lol

  30. Michelle Williams May 18, 2021 at 10:52 pm #

    I have been looking for the name of the bloke who used to host the horse racing programme on Sunday mornings in the 70’s. He also used to read the sports report on channel 7 news on weekends. All I remember is he was bald. My Grandpa dodn’t like him and used to call him “Egghead!!” Would love to know if anyone remembers. Thanks.

    • Peter Borgelt November 30, 2021 at 8:19 pm #

      Hi Michelle
      I think the horse racing announcer was a guy called Ray Fewwings but l could be wrong! He was certainly one of a kind and remembered how he managed to keep up with all the horses from the first and last finishers Regards Peter Borgelt

  31. Peter Borgelt November 30, 2021 at 12:38 pm #

    I also remember a lovely man in Mr Wilson He worked with Jane Riley on the classic Children’s prtogramme Fat Cat and Friends We have been fortunate to haves work with him at the Botanical Gardens for the last few years Time goes too quickly and we certainly will miss him in his retirement Regards and best wishes from Peter Borgelt

  32. Peter Borgelt November 30, 2021 at 4:46 pm #

    I remembered watching Fat Cat and Friends with my two younger sisters The show was hosted by Jane Riley and here l got to know one of her regular friends Mr Ian Wilson I have been very fortunate to know this lovely man while working at our work place at the Botanical Gardens of Adelaide where he worked as a Educational Officer He always smiled and had a great personality. He will be greatly missed in his retirement. Hopefully we will see him back again in the future. Regards and best wishes Pierre alias Peter Borgelt

  33. Peter Borgelt November 30, 2021 at 8:40 pm #

    I remember watching Fat Cat and friends with my younger sister’s over 40 years ago It was hosted by Jane Riley . One of her regular guests was a lovely man called Mr. Ian Wilson. Over many years l have been fortunate to work with him at the Botanical Gardens of Adelaide where he worked as Education Officer. He was certainly one of life’s wonderful characters We will certainly miss his his smile and laughter and hopefully in retirement he will always be able to be remembered like the guy from this classic TV Show many years Best wishes Pierre alias Peter Borgelt

  34. Peter Borgelt December 2, 2021 at 9:41 pm #

    I remember watching Fat Cat and Friends over forty years ago with my younger sisters . It was hosted by Jane Riley , Pam Weston and a lovely man called Ian Wilson. We have been fortunate to work with Mr. Wilson at the Botanical Gardens of Adelaide over the last few years. He was certainly one of life’s characters and well liked by all staff Children and anyone who came across him in his role as a Educator in the Kitchen Garden. We will cry miss him and his larger than life personality. We wish all the best wishes for his retirement and hopefully we will catch up with him again in the future Best wishes from Peter Borgelt- alias Pierre

  35. Peter Borgelt December 4, 2021 at 1:28 pm #

    I remember watching Fat Cat and Friends with my younger sisters over forty years ago. it was hosted by Jane Riley Lynn Western and a lovely man called Ian Wilson. In recent years I have been fortunate to work with him at the Botanical Gardens of Adelaide where he worked as a Education Officer in the Kitchen Garden. He was certainly one of a kind and friends with everyone. We will miss his larger than life personality and his friendship dearly. We wish him well for his retirement and hopefully we will catch up with him again soon Best wishes from Peter Borgelt alias Pierre

  36. Michael Randall October 30, 2022 at 9:52 am #

    I used to love Cartoon Connection in the 1980s. I remember Doug Fuller, Sian Pryce but especially the gorgeous Claire Morrison.

    What happened to her? She would’ve been a great weather presenter!

  37. Graham Mac Intyre June 23, 2023 at 11:21 pm #

    can someone please help back when I was a teenager I remember watching Channel 7 cartoon show with Sammy seagull, Ric Marshall and Joanne White. Being a young teenage boy I had the biggest crush on Joanne, I even road my bike from Henley Beach to the city just to meet her outside of Myers. Does anyone know what ever happened to her last time I saw her was at one of Ric’s pantomime.

  38. Veronica Millen September 2, 2024 at 8:49 pm #

    I was in a Humphry B Bear TV ad in Adelaide in the 1970’s. I was born in 1973 and it was while I was in kinder so it was probably around 1976. I think it was for ice cream. Does anyone know how I can get a copy of it? Thanks

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